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PRP stands for “platelet-rich plasma.” Platelet-rich plasma therapy uses the best rich plasma your blood has to offer because it heals injuries faster, encourages growth factors, and also increases levels of collagen and stem cells—these are naturally produced in the body to keep you looking young and fresh. In this case, those growth factors are used to help regrow thinning hair.

  • Growth Factors
    • Endovascular growth factor
    • Endothelial growth factor
    • Epidermal growth factor
    • Fibroblast growth factor
    • Platelet derived growth factor
    • Transforming growth factor
  • Immune Cells
  • Cell Signaling Proteins
  • Bioactive proteins

Human blood contains mesenchymal stem cells, and autologous blood products that contain essential and specific growth factors that assist in tissue regeneration and healing. Published medical literature from Europe and the United States confirms the safety and use of PRP therapy. PRP therapy has established itself to be effective as a medical treatment modality in the specialty fields of oral surgery, neurosurgery, plastic and cosmetic surgery, sports medicine and orthopaedics. It has been used extensively in these specialties for the last twenty years with generally positive outcomes and success. In the field of hair restoration, evidence supports PRP therapy as a promising treatment option to promote hair growth. No claim can be made of its efficacy. While PRP is in the early stages of scientific research in hair restoration, PRP is not meant to replace current FDA approved therapies such as DHT blockers and Minoxidil. But it is a promising non-surgical therapeutic option for those patients with hair loss.

The CC Platelet Plasma Kit is designed to produce Platelet Plasma, products that can be individualized to meet specific therapeutic demand. The unique dial-in hourglass technology allows the physician to determine the appropriate plasma product for customized treatment protocols. Blood is drawn in our clinic as though you are having routine blood testing at your primary care blood testing labs. The blood is spun in a centrifuge and the PRP is separated and removed from the rest of the blood. The PRP is taken from your body and is specially prepared by spinning down the blood cells to a high concentration. We use Fleta 40 PRP System. It is a closed sterile system and the platelets are concentrated to 3X the normal blood values. The system eliminates granulocytes which hurts tissue regeneration and wound healing. An anesthesia topical application is applied on the scalp so the client does not feel much pain. The highly concentrated platelet rich plasma ( CC PRP) is then injected into the scalp. The client then may drive home without any assistance. No sedation or any medication is given during the procedure to inhibit the ability to drive or use machinery.